See the owl? The image of an almost invisible bird in a tree is viralized


In networks, a viral photo that, at first sight, seems to come from two branches of a tree, repels the true protagonist: an owl completely camouflaged in the bark.

The photo was taken last summer by the 55-year-old British postman Paul Beech, near his home in Macclesfield, in central England. But Beech did not broadcast the snapshot on the networks before this week and quickly triumphed among Internet users.

Beech admits that getting the photo was not easy because every time he looked away from the owl, the bird was changing position. "Whenever the bird changed trees, I needed a few minutes to find it, I could lose even if I looked elsewhere for a minute," says the amateur photographer, quoted by Manchester Evening News. According to the British, photography "simply shows how much these birds adapt to their environment".




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