Seer predicted that in June the Devil will perform in 5 countries – News


The seer said that in the United States, Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Argentina “There will be strong events, as 72 demons will act with great intensity.”

“The June 6 The portal will be open for the demons to come out, ”he said.

“Radical changes are expected in forms of government, coups are also envisaged for the sixth day, ”he added.

The astrologer also recommended to be attentive to an early season of hurricanes.

“I see very strong hurricanes, one of category four in the Pacific, but in the Atlantic one category, almost six will pass through Florida,” he anticipated.

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“Also they volcanoes they will continue to erupt. The negative energies from the center of the earth will explode, ”he predicted.

As if that wasn’t enough, the astrologer saw alarming questions related to UFO Yes aliens. “There will be contact with the human being of today and tomorrow. Spaceships and people from the other world will be seen, ”he said.

In addition, in his tarot card appeared for him June 13 announcing a meeting between the president of United States And the one of Russia, in which he did not exclude “the possibility of try”.

Among his predictions for 2021, Mhoni Vidente mentioned that droughts wreak havoc in the north Mexico and in United States. As a result of this situation, he predicted that there would be wars For water.

Another of his predictions was that it will be the year of the volcanoes, and anticipated the birth of two new ones: one in Oaxaca and the other in the United States.


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