Senate: they present a bill to criminalize the denial of crimes against humanity | Prison sentences and fines


The Senate Justice Committee received the turn of a project that proposes to sanction up to two years in prison or fines of up to one hundred minimum wages, anyone who denies, minimizes or justifies the commission of crimes of genocide, against humanity or war crimes.

The initiative presented by the senator of Chubut (Frente de Todos), Alfredo Luenzo, was announced hours after Ensemble for Change’s national deputy candidate Ricardo López Murphy denied the 30,000 people missing during the last civil-military dictatorship. And proposes cease the possibility of occupying public office for double the penalty, to those occupying positions in state organs.

The project of “Penal sanction for denialist and / or apologetic behavior of genocide and crimes against humanity”, which entered into the commission chaired by the senator of Neuquén (Frente de Todos), Oscar Parrilli, amends Article 213 of the Criminal Code to punish “from imprisonment for one month to one year”, anyone who apologizes for a crime or a person convicted of a crime publicly or by any means whatsoever.

The penalty is heavier for those who deny, minimize, justify or justify the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes referred to in articles 6, 7 and 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and in international human rights treaties with constitutional hierarchy. In these cases, the penalty is imprisonment of three months to two years or a fine equivalent to one and up to one hundred minimum wage, vital and mobile.

The initiative proposes as aggravating for those in public office, taking into account his “definitive dismissal and his special prohibition to exercise a public function for double the length of the sentence”.

These are behaviors and discourses that deny certain relevant historical realities and events, perceived by the majority of society as acts of maximum injustice “, mentions Luenzo in the initiative.


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