“Send Your Husband For The Vaccine,” The Message Sent By The Mayor Of New York For Jair Bolsonaro To Be Vaccinated | Bill de Blasio called him a “danger to others”


New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has asked Brazilian First Lady Michelle Bolsonaro to urge President Jair Bolsonaro to get the coronavirus vaccine, just as she did on the occasion of traveling with the President in the American city.

“Send your husband to be vaccinated too so that he ceases to be a danger to others“the official tweeted, sharing a news from The New York Times on Michelle Bolsonaro inoculation.

The first lady’s vaccination in the United States has sparked controversy in Brazil, after politicians and infectologists deemed it an “absurd” action and “contempt” for the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) and the National Immunization Program (PNI).

De Blasio had already interviewed the South American president, who arrived in New York a few days ago to participate in the United Nations General Assembly (UN) as the only leader to do so without having been vaccinated.

Bolsonaro’s presence at the annual meeting had even been questioned due to his unvaccinated status, but the United Nations guaranteed his presence since his headquarters has its own territoriality, despite being located in New York.

On the other hand, to move around the city, the Brazilian had to respect the measures that govern New York public places, and in this condition he appeared to be eating a pizza standing on a sidewalk, in front of a gastronomic establishment, since he was forbidden to enter so as not to count with the anticovid vaccination.

After returning to the country on Wednesday, Bolsonaro tested negative for COVID-19 after being isolated for the trip to New York, where he showed up several times without a mask during his stay, even greeting supporters in the middle of a crowd.

The 66-year-old president is not vaccinated against the coronavirus and repeats that he will be “the last” Brazilian to receive the vaccine. After contracting the virus in July 2020, he assured that his tests reveal a high level of antibodies, which does not exclude vaccination.

This week, Bolsonaro completed 1,000 days in office, at a time when his popularity fell to the worst since his inauguration in 2019, with just 22% of favorable opinions.


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