Senior US military commander admits armed forces are ready to intervene in Venezuela – 04/12/2019


For the first time in crisis in Venezuela, a member of the US military leadership admitted that the US armed forces were ready to comply with the orders of intervention if the President Donald Trump.

The head of the southern command of United StatesAdmiral Craig Faller warned that his country "could" carry out a military intervention in Venezuela to expel President Nicolás Maduro if he remains in office at the end of this year.

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The US military "considers various options" and will be "ready" for any decision President Donald Trump, said Faller in an interview published this week by the North American magazine Foreign politic.

"We are on the alert, the crisis in Venezuela could reach this level later this year if Maduro is still standing; it would be so serious", said the admiral, as reproduced today the Madrid newspaper ABC.

Faller, moreover, includes an important variable in the Venezuelan crisis: China's support for Maduro. Until now, the attention of the United States It has focused on the Russian trade and military support, which sent 100 soldiers to Venezuela last month, but the Admiral has clearly stated that he felt that "China has made a very risky bet and is not cooperating". He also added that Beijing "does not respect human rights, sovereignty and democracy" in Venezuela.

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The interview, published by Foreign Policy in its April 8 issue, reveals that in the senior ranks of the US military, there is the belief that the crisis in Venezuela can only be resolved with diplomatic pressure and economic sanctions approved by the White House for the moment. And this confirms the various badertions of Donald Trump and his government that a military intervention plan is under study.

The United States is among the 50 countries that do not know the mandate initiated by Maduro last January because of elections that, in their opinion, were not legitimate.

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Since then, Trump and other top US officials have been repeating almost daily that "all options are on the table" with regard to Venezuela, without confirming nor denying the possibility of armed intervention.

However, the Special Representative of the White House for Venezuela, Elliott Abrams, has repeatedly suggested that, at least for the moment, the preferred route by the United States to allow Maduro to leave the Venezuelan government That's the negotiation.

Abrams concluded this week a three-day tour of Portugal and Spain to badess the situation in Venezuela with the authorities of these countries.

Although Washington did not reveal the Abrams agenda, the diplomat himself revealed 20 days ago – in an interview published by the Madrilenian newspaper The country– that there has been a "preliminary conversation" between officials of the United States and Spain so that this country Chavismo hierarchy of inn.

Abrams also said Thursday that "It would be premature" think of a foreign military intervention to bring about the fall of the Chavez regime.

"The situation is worsening day by day in Venezuela, but I do not think that in Europe, Latin America, Canada or the United States, we are currently thinking of a military response," he said. he declared on Colombian radio Caracol.

Source: agencies


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