SENSITIVE VIDEO.- The massacre at a school in San Pablo, inside: at least 9 dead


Two badailants entered the institution, located on the outskirts, and opened fire on the students. The victims are six students and the director, while the attackers committed suicide

A shootout at a school in the metropolitan area of ​​Sao Paulo, Brazil, killed at least nine people, including six children, as well as the director and two attackers, official sources quoted by local media reported.

According to information provided by the military police, two masked men disguised as teenagers opened fire on the students and the authorities of the establishment, then committed suicide at the Raúl Brasil school, located in Suzano, in the suburbs of São Paulo.

The information of the medical team on site is that there would be at least nine other people injured, but we did not know how many there would be children, notes the newspaper Folha of San Pablo in its digital edition.

A witness quoted by the São Paulo newspaper, who identified himself as Juliano, said the attack took place shortly after the start of clbades in the morning.

"I live next door, I saw a tumult and I went there.When I arrived, several children ran away, ran with blood, a desperation, a teacher, a government official on the run, "he said.

Six rescue units for firefighters, police officers, ambulances and two helicopters were used.

Experts from the São Paulo police are inside the school, while TV channels show images of projectiles in the school yard.

The mbadacre comes two months after Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro signed a decree facilitating the registration, possession and sale of firearms and ammunition in the country, one of the promises of his presidential campaign.


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