Sentenced to Ten Years in Prison for Assaulting and Coughing on Person Who Asked Him to Use Mask Correctly | the Chronicle


Shane Wayne Michael, 42, was enraged after another man asks him What put the mask correctly on the nose at an optician in Des Moines, the capital of the state of Iowa, last November.

The victim said that Michael chased him and stuck him in the parking lot where he had his car, then threw him to the ground and hit him, according to local media outlet The Iowa Capital Dispatck. In addition, the perpetrator coughed in the man’s face, spat on him and said violently: “If I have it, you will have it too”, in reference to Covid-19.

Last month the attacker he was ultimately found guilty of intentional bodily harm causing serious bodily harm and received the final award on Wednesday.

Michael claimed he was acting in self-defense and just stuck his finger in the man’s eye after biting it.

For its part, the victim admitted to biting the abuser after receiving a knee in the groin.


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