Serial Femicide Shocks Cyprus: At Least 5 Women and 2 Girls Killed


The survey was opened by chance last week, when tourists discovered a body in a well of an abandoned mine, in the city of Mitsero, about 30 kilometers west of the Cypriot capital.

Authorities have identified one of the corpses as being that of Mary Rose Tiburcio, a 39-year-old woman of Filipino descent, whose disappearance was reported with that of her 6-year-old daughter Sierra in May 2018.

The police work in search of the miner led to the macabre discovery of a second body in the same place. Although the body has not been officially identified, it is thought that it is another 28 year old Filipino woman who has also disappeared since last summer.

Both women were in Cyprus and worked as domestic servants. On April 18, a 35-year-old Cypriot working as an officer in the National Guard was identified as Nikos Metaxas, was arrested as the alleged perpetrator of these feminicides.

During his arrest, the suspect confessed to the murder of the two women and the girl, although her body has not yet been found in the lake where she told the police that she had disposed.

A few days later, the police found the body of another woman, the third to date.

According to the police, the detainee himself indicated the whereabouts of the woman's body, although according to local media, the man does not remember his identity or his nationality, but only that he murdered him last summer.

In addition, Metaxas confessed the last two murders of a list that continues to lengthen: a Romanian woman, Livia Florentina Bunea, 36, and his eight-year-old daughter, both missing since late September 2016.


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Until now, the police have found only these three bodies while the search for four other people continues. The authorities describe this case as a "serial killer" and do not rule out the possibility of increasing the number of victims.

Due to the advanced decomposition of the body, which was found in a well in a village in western Nicosia, the authorities were not able to identify the woman although she could have been of Nepali or Indian origin.

According to police sources, the suspect allegedly used an account on a dating site to attract women, mainly of Asian origin.


Public opinion was stunned to discover the details of the confession of the alleged serial femicide, who confessed to strangling women while having bad with them.

"The murder cases have been investigated up to now, at least two women, and the disappearance of the daughter of one of the victims, aged 6, have placed the Cypriot police and society in front of an unprecedented form of crime for our crimes, the extent of which is still premature to badess, "Cypriot police chief Zajarias Jrisostomu told reporters today.

The police chief added that this type of serial killings is not common and that they usually occur in densely populated countries.

"The shock was not solely caused by the circumstances in which the suspect killed the victims – who are still under investigation – but by apathy, the lack of basic professionalism and racist attitudes demonstrated by the authorities, "he said. to Efe Anna Prodromu, writer on women in conflict zones.

Prodromu stressed that it was important that these crimes not be mere murders, but feminicides "consequence of" toxic masculinity "".


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