Serious clashes between the Chavist factions vying for the post of governor of Barinas


Clashes in Barinas, Venezuela

Violent clashes were recorded on Friday afternoon at the Ciudad Tavacare Housing Mission complex between Chavismo factions contesting the candidacy of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) for governor of Barinas state.

Supporters of candidate Hugo Chávez Terán denounce being attacked by groups led by Alexis Mendoza, allegedly linked to the current governor and reelection candidate, Argenis Chávez. The incidents took place at the place where Chávez Terán, sobrino d’Argenis and former president Hugo Chávez, performed a Campaign rally for the August 8 primary elections.

The images were posted on social networks

“Alexis’ people attacked me with a gun, they smashed my face. They grabbed me, threw me to the ground and hit me in the face with a gun. Alexis is the leader of the collectives “, denounced Angel Eduardo Izarra Contreras, depending on the medium We are monitoring from Venezuela.

In the videos posted on social networks, clashes with beatings between Chavist militants, which also included gunfire.

After the incidents, Chávez Terán, who is also member of the Chavista assembly questioned 2020, met his supporters and assured that they would not be intimidated.

“Today more than ever, we say to the world and to those who want to implement fear, that we are not afraid. And as we said the last time we came, we will be undefeated again at Tavacare. We declare victory for Barinas and that in Barinas so much hatred will go away, so much fear overwhelmed “Chávez Terán claimed, according to the Monitoreamos website.

The PSUV will be held on Sunday August 8 primary elections to choose the candidates who will be presented in the regional and local elections on November 21.

Photograph given by Prensa Miraflores of the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, during a commemorative ceremony for Independence Day, July 5, 2021, in Caracas (Venezuela).  EFE / Miraflores press
Photograph given by Prensa Miraflores of the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, during a commemorative ceremony for Independence Day, July 5, 2021, in Caracas (Venezuela). EFE / Miraflores press

“On Sunday August 8, we will go to the open primary process with the country’s electoral list (…) because each of you can vote for the candidate you want, as governor, governor, mayor, mayor, advise, advise. “Nicolás Maduro said during a meeting with his party.

He indicated that all Venezuelans who wish to participate in this process, but first, The party’s base, known as the Bolívar-Chávez Combat Units (UBCH), will meet in assemblies to elect candidates for the primary.

The president recalled that the party has 14.3811 UBCH nationwide.

“Once all the requirements for the nomination of the bases, the examination and the application process have been fulfilled, then the day of days arrives, the day will come when the grassroots activism and the Venezuelan people as a whole will be summoned to from grassroots primaries to an electoral process of open primaries, ”he added.

View of the entrance to the National Electoral Council (CNE) in Caracas.  FE / RAYNER PEÑA R./File
View of the entrance to the National Electoral Council (CNE) in Caracas. FE / RAYNER PEÑA R./File

On November 21, Venezuela will elect the the governors of the country’s 23 states and the mayors of the 335 municipalities.

The last two electoral processes in Venezuela have been cAsked by the international community and much of the Venezuelan opposition for believing that they did not have the necessary elements to ensure that these were democratic elections.

The main indications are due to the Political disqualifications of known opponents or intervention ordered by the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) directives from the biggest parties that oppose the government.

(With information from EFE)


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