Seven million for a ghost | Why the USA ofr …


As part of the joint dance with Casa Rosada, the US government yesterday announced a $ 7 million reward to anyone providing information allowing Samuel Salman El Reda to be arrested, the man that the US intelligence agencies attribute to him. organization of attacks in Buenos Aires. The name El Reda joined the cause a week after the attack, that is to say in July 1994. He was one of the Shiite supporters of the Moshen Rabbani cultural attaché – he was married to the sister of Rabbani's secretary – and his phone was on the list of people who had been arrested without a warrant before the attack on the Jewish Mutual. It turns out that at that time, as a product of the attack against the Israeli embbady, ​​there had been a follow-up of those surrounding the diplomatic delegation of Israel. Iran and the mosque of Flores. The biggest problem is that almost all the evidence against El Reda comes from the intelligence services and it is difficult to verify judicially taking into account the fact that nothing was ever known about the local link, that is to say the origin of the explosives, who came into the country to handle the truck where the bomb was badembled and other essential information. For this reason, no convincing evidence of the relationship between El Reda and the attack itself appears.

In the game in which Casa Rosada is aligned with Washington and Washington blesses what the Argentinian government does, he left the North American capital yesterday to validate the so-called Argentinian investigation which is, in fact, a CIA investigation and the Mossad. The gesture of yesterday was that the United States had received the reward of seven million dollars and blessed a version with which they had the intention to inspire the AMIA business: was El Reda, it was Hezbollah, it was Iran.

For prosecutor Alberto Nisman, El Reda called El Reda and was a Colombian citizen. Later, it was discovered that he was not Colombian but had falsified a birth certificate on the island of San Andrés and that an official identity document was issued to him. been issued. After Nisman's death and the replacement of the new prosecutors, the Attorney General's Office of El Líbano said that this El Reda actually calls Salman Roauf Salman. When the AMIA unit was in charge of Roberto Salum, Santiago Eyerhabide, and Leonardo Filippini, a brother who had been abducted from Salman declared that the fugitive was living in Lebanon. In testimony, taken in Germany, the brother said that he knew nothing of Salman's relations with the attack on Buenos Aires and Hezbollah.

The basis of the charge against Salman is as follows:

* The intelligence services claim that the attack had some kind of brain acting from the Triple Border and that she was using a cell phone in the name of a certain Andre Marques. They claim that these services indicated that this cell had been communicated from Ezeiza on 1 July 1994 for the first time and that the communications had been interrupted on 18 July at 9 am from Aeroparque. There were no calls before or after.

* From the phone of Marques they called to the phone of the Saín family. Salman was married to Silvina Saín, sister of Rabbani's secretary. In the early days of July 1994, the Maipú and Corrientes telephone exchanges called Marques's mobile phone, that of Saín, then that of the Salman family in El Salvador, as well as the so-called Hezbollah phone. also in Beirut.

* The services claim that they also called a phone in New York and another in San Pablo, Brazil, but no reports have ever been reported on these phones. During the second week of July 1994, communications were established with the House of Sains from stands in the area near the AMIA. Other calls also took place in the area of ​​the Shiite Mosque in Flores.

As you can see, these are essentially intelligence services, as there is no judicial evidence regarding the owners of the phones in El Líbano nor the involvement of André Marques. But much more important than that, there is no real connection between Salman and the truck that exploded in the AMIA. Twenty-five years after the attack, the story is essentially reflected for geopolitical reasons: alignment on the United States. From the point of view of the judicial test, nothing new has appeared and there is no categorical element.

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