Seven Russians died after drinking alcoholic gel: they were drunk at a party | the Chronicle


Seven people died of poisoning on Thursday and two others remain in a coma in an intensive care room, after taking hand sanitizer, which they ingested because they finished drinking alcoholic beverages while attending a party in Russia.

Medical reports indicated that the first three victims were a 41-year-old woman and two men, 27 and 59 years old. Later, six more people were transported in a medical evacuation plane to the regional capital, Yakutsk. So this Friday, three other men aged 28, 32 and 69 died and, finally, this Saturday a new death occurred.

House where the party took place.

The incident took place in the village of Tomtor, in the Tattinsky district, in the country’s largest region, Yakutia.

The federal public health regulator, Rospotrebnadzor, He reported that “There have been nine cases of disinfectant poisoning, including seven fatalities”.

For his part, the regional prosecutor assured that “the poisoning occurred as a result of the consumption of disinfectant”. Health officials have warned locals not to drink the Russian-made antiseptic, given these unusual events.

Partygoers drank the disinfectant, 69% methanol, which was used as a hand cleaner during the coronavirus pandemic. Justice opened a criminal case to investigate what had happened.


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