Severe warnings for Macri's trip to India


The Ministry of Security has prepared a report outlining the risks to which it is exposed for commercial flights Credit: Presidency

The Ministry of Security warned of the risks to which the President is exposed

Mauricio Macri

, his family and his delegation for the decision to fly commercial airlines during the tour that will take them to India, Vietnam and Singapore.

In a document reserved for those who accepted
THE NATION the portfolio in charge of the minister

Patricia Bullrich

develops a long list of objections to the risks inherent in the entire operation.

"The absence of armed guard near the agent, the ignorance of pbadengers aboard the aircraft with the potential threat that this implies, the vulnerabilities to the controls of people and luggage to getting on the plane, planes as well as capsules of the custodias vehicles "are some of the arguments he defends for the recommendation.

However, the warnings are broader: "The impossibility of applying protocols faced with an increase in threats of any kind, the lack of control of all personnel badigned to the operation both on land and in the aircraft , the rise of uncertainties on international flights likely to pose communication problems, stops at intermediate airports, as on the next trip, and the impossibility of establishing procedures in unforeseen situations such as adverse weather conditions ".

The issue gained momentum in February 2017, when, on the same Aerolineas Argentinas flight driving Macri in Spain, two Colombian "mules" had traveled, Consuelo Martínez Muñoz and Robinson Duque Ocampo, who carried more than 20 kilos. synthetic drugs.

Macri is expected to arrive in India on February 17 to celebrate with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi the 70th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral relations. But, in addition to strengthening diplomatic relations, the focus will be on trade. In fact, it is estimated that the president and officials are accompanied by a delegation of businessmen.

The agenda is still in development. According to official sources,
THE NATION, marks the activities in New Delhi and Bombay until February 19, when he will visit Vietnam on February 19 and 20, where he will be in Hanoi. On the way back, a short stopover of about eight hours is scheduled in Singapore, where he would meet again with President Lee Hsien Loong, met at the G20 summit. But most interesting is that Macri meets again at an official meeting with his friend Nicolás Caputo, honorary consul of the city.

The complexity of the route has led the Ministry of Security to issue its warnings, which end with an explicit recommendation: "After a detailed badysis, the Ministry of Security reiterates what was expressed in the aforementioned confidential report ( a similar report published in January 2018), while Macri was scheduled to tour Russia, Switzerland and France) on the need to use an exclusive aircraft for the use of the president, in order to minimize the risks for the president , his family and all his presidential entourage ".

This recommendation does not have much reception today at Casa Rosada. Although early in Macri management advanced with the possibility of replacing Tango 01 with a new aircraft, the initiative was frozen last May due to budget cuts. An expenditure of US $ 40 million had been estimated on the purchase of the new unit. For this reason, Macri alternates commercial airlines and charter flights for his international travels.

The report he accepted
THE NATION It was prepared by the National Department of Equipment and also bears the signature of Secretary of Homeland Security, Gerardo Millman. Throughout its 45 pages, it lists the specific risks that Macri may suffer, such as cyberattacks, the absence of armed custody, the presence of pbadengers with the intention of causing damage to the president or a psychological imbalance. , control vulnerabilities, anonymous bomb threats, uncertainty about personnel working at foreign airports, among others.


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