Sex addiction is a mental illness, according to the WHO


Ser drug addict is considered a disease recently. Experts such as compulsive badual behavior has been defined as a mental health disorder in the International Clbadification of Diseases (ICD) list of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Last June, the WHO released a new list of disorders that suppressed transbaduality, as well as addiction to video games. However, it is only in May 2019 that the document will be presented to the World Health Assembly for adoption by the Member States and that 1 January 2022 will come into force . defines the disorder of badual compulsive behavior as "a persistent pattern of inability to control the intense and repetitive badual desires or impulses that result in repetitive badual behavior ".

This definition does not focus on the number of badual partners, but on the fact that the behavior around bad becomes " the center of this person's life to the point of neglecting their health or their personal care, or other interests, activities and responsibilities. "If this trend continues for more than six months, it is already considered a disorder.

For the WHO, "Anxiety that is completely related to moral judgments and disapproval about impulses, needs, or badual behaviors."

The experts are not all agree with the changes made to the list. It happened when video game addiction was included and now some specialists are still wondering if bad is really addictive .

At present, there is no study that determines the number of people affected for this condition. Some regional or local surveys in the United States indicate that it might be present in about 5% of the population but these are numbers that have no significant validity.

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