Sexual Abuse Victims Asked the Pope "for Transparency" About His Responsibility in the Grassi Case – 25/02/2019


The World Organization for Victims of Abuse (ECA) presented a plan of action against the pedophile clergy and the concealment of bishops in the church. which, in his opinion, "should have adopted" in the absence of concrete answers after the summit held in the Vatican between Thursday and Saturday.

One of the points demands that Pope Francis be transparent about his responsibility and hand over to the civil authorities all the documentation relating to his role (when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires) in cases like those of Julio Cesar Grbadi and Nicola Corradi.

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Among the 21 measures that comprise it, the Victims Association requires that the clergy member convicted of any type of abuse of minors be "immediately expelled from office and priesthood", as any member of the Church conceals. .

Victims of abuse demonstrate in San Pedro Square and then finish at the top. Photo: Victor Sokolowic

Victims of abuse demonstrate in San Pedro Square and then finish at the top. Photo: Victor Sokolowic

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

They demand that all documentation relating to these cases be forwarded to the civil authorities and that it be at no time destroyed, as well as that any case of abuse of minors be brought before the national magistrates.

They are asking for the cancellation of the motu propio 2016 of the title "As a loving mother" of Pope Francis, believing that he is too "gentle" with the responsibility of the members of the Church.

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Another measure is to eliminate the immunity of Vatican diplomats so that they can be tried in places where they commit crimes and demand that victims of abuse be compensated by each episcopal conference.

In terms of transparency, they require the publication of all registers and files with religious who have mistreated minors, including those who have already been separated or deceased.

They exhort to lift the pontifical secret concerning these cases, among other demands.

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One of the points demands that Pope Francis be transparent about his responsibility and hand over to the civil authorities all the documentation relating to his role (when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires) in cases like those of Julio Cesar Grbadi and Nicola Corradi.

They also demand transparency in the case of the Argentine bishop Gustavo Zanchetta, holder until 2017 of the Diocese of Oran (northern Argentina). The Vatican is investigating this case after being accused of badual abuse.

Zanchetta leaves Argentina and settles in Spain, but Pope Francis calls him to hold the post of adviser to the entity responsible for the administration of the Apostolic See's patrimony (APSA), which manages the badets and property of the Roman Curia.

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"It's the plan of action that Pope Francis should have presented yesterday in his speech instead of talking about generalities. These are common sense measures," spokesman EFE spokesman Miguel Hurtado said. Spanish from the ECA, who reported violations to a monk from Monserrat Abbey.

Miguel Hurtado pointed out that the zero tolerance promised by the Church must begin "by the immediate expulsion of those who have abused a child".

He explained that some of these measures were presented at the meeting held with the organizing committee of this summit last Wednesday and that "None of them has been included in the Vatican's final document (the pope's speech)."

Hurtado denounced the fact that what Pope Francis declared on Sunday "does not differ from what Pope John Paul II or Benedict XVI promised, why should we believe that it will happen now?"

Regarding the Vatican's request for time to elaborate its proposals after the summit, Hurtado said: "It takes very little time to rape a child."

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"The pope has announced the fight against the abuse of minors, but with the most fragile weapons that you can imagine.If you put into practice the 21 points that we put into practice, you can put an end to this epidemic once and for all, "said Anne Barrett Doyle, co-director of the Bishop Accountability Group.

Clergy Abuse spokesman, Peter Isely, said the Vatican is not able to guarantee that the priests responsible for the abuses reported by eight witnesses at the recent summit are being punished.

"Does this mean that these" insatiable wolves " [una expresión del Papa] Are they still there, waiting to attack children? Asked Peter Isely.


Source: EFE and AFP


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