Shadow and Light: At the age of 106, he flew for the first time, but on arriving at his destination, he learned a sad news – 01/03/2019


In each plane seat travels a story, a story that can be revealed with just one question. This is what happened when the flight attendant of a flight connecting Santiago del Estero and Buenos Aires asked: Who is traveling for the first time? Nemesia raised her hand.

Nemesia Tevez (Flybondi).

Nemesia Tevez (Flybondi).

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

Nemesia Tevez was born in 1913 in Los Hoyos, in the state of Santiago del Estero. Her parents came from Spain to this city and she founded her family there. He had seven children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren: "I do not remember how many there are in total, but they are all very good"said Nemesia convinced.

Nemesia's dream of flying is achieved at the initiative of one of his sons, Nemesio. He told his sister Solana the idea and in between, they bought the first ticket so that Nemesia could board an airplane, without the complications that involve for a person of 106 years a terrestrial journey of more than 15 hours between Santiago del Estero and Buenos Aires.

Nemesia's childhood was like that of many members of his generation who currently live in the inner depths of the northern provinces and the Argentine coast. As a breadwinner, she had to work on the cotton harvest, squash and prepare the ground for the plantations. "At that time, I never imagined I could fly, I did not have enough to pay for it, I just had enough to travel in a collective seat," said the woman. .

So, in the microphone, he has known other provinces, more than tourism, work. Chaco, Catamarca, Tucumán, and even Buenos Aires were some of their destinations.

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Solana went on Saturday to La Banda, where Nemesia resides. There, he helped her bademble her suitcase to travel together, both in the plane for the first time. "I was more afraid than my mother, so I asked her to take care of me," Solana said. Clarin.

Monday morning, they took the plane. Nemesia was happy: "I was not scared because I knew I was going to see my son and all my family," she said. "It was a beautiful experience, I traveled as sitting in an armchair, I will never forget this"He added.

A direct flight of an hour and a half, filled with emotions, memories, desires and, above all, love for family reunions. "I was surprised by the feeling of flying and being so close to the clouds", told Nemesia his recent experience.

However, the magical experience of flying ends sadly for Nemesia. The meeting with his son could not take place, he died. "I felt serious, I wanted to get there quickly and that love did not scare me at all times," said the woman.

When Nemesia was asked if she was going to fly again, she said yes. But he did not answer, as one might expect, to want to go to Europe or the United States; she simply says: "I would go anywhere in my family".



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