Shameful | The operation of Obarrio against Kirchnerism that denied his own interviewee


The La Nación reporter published a shameful interview based on badumptions and was revealed by his own interviewee.

February 16, 2019

The nation's controversial journalist, Mariano Obarrio, published an interview with Raúl Rosa, a former spy who claimed that Kirchner had conducted illegal eavesdropping, but in the note itself, the interviewee exposes the embarrbading operation without any proof.

In the midst of the scandal that sparked Horacio Verbitsky's investigation into the bribes demanded by prosecutor Carlos Stornelli and lawyer Marcelo D'Alessio, the ultra-gay Obarrio attempted to divert attention by challenging the new attack on Kirchner. own note.

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Under the title "Raúl Rosa:" Kirchnerism has made illegal the plays of Carrió, Duhalde and Lavagna "", Obarrio tried to show that Kirchnerism had committed acts of espionage.

However, when asked "Did these investigations involve surveillance of the streets and illegal phone tapping?" Rosa herself left Obarrio offside.

"I did not know it was like that, but they surely finished." With regard to illegal eavesdropping, a strong rumor has begun within the organization of the creation of a special group that was directly subordinated to Larcher, "replied the spy stating that there is evidence and deny the title.


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