She bought sperm through an app, was inseminated with a homemade kit and had a baby


Videos on YouTube, a purchase on eBay and an app to buy donor sperm, that was all it took Stephenie taylor to be a mother for the second time. It didn’t take a partner, no date, no expensive treatments, maternity 3.0 which begins to consolidate.

Stephenie is a 33 year old British woman who lives in the city of Nunthorpe. I had already had a son Frankie, five, but the relationship with the boy’s father dissolved and there was no further contact. But the woman didn’t want to limit her motherhood to the unpredictable search for a partner, so he set his dream in motion in his own way.

The solution came from the Internet. The result is the baby Eden, designed with a “DNA donor” that she selected on the Just Baby site. There were no doctors in between. She just bought an insemination kit and did the job on his own.

He bought an insemination kit on eBay.

He bought an insemination kit on eBay.

How was the process?

At first, she looked for the conventional way to get pregnant as a single woman. He went to private fertility clinics, but they were charging up to $ 2,180 for intrauterine insemination (IUI). It is a procedure in which sperm are placed in a woman’s uterus at her fertile period of the month, It was too expensive.

The option of a partner being ruled out for its urgency, she set out in search of a third way. On YouTube he found all kinds of how-to videos with which he saw how to do an impregnation at home. Then, he orders an insemination kit from eBay and prepares for the most important step: the search for the donor.

He followed the advice of a friend, who suggested he search through the Just A Baby app. It works like a kind of Tinder, where you can search by parameters like distance and whether you’re looking for surrogates, sperm donors, eggs, or embryos.

He followed the advice of a friend, who suggested he search through the Just A Baby app.

He followed the advice of a friend, who suggested he search through the Just A Baby app.

Like the popular dating app, the user swipes to the right if they are interested in someone’s profile, and if it is reciprocal, they can send messages to each other.

She told the Gazette Live site that she wanted a man with no history of serious illness, ideally with characteristics similar to hers. to make your son look like Frankie.

It only took a day to find him: a 43-year-old businessman with green eyes and brown hair. In addition, there was a good harmony between them: “I immediately felt comfortable with him,” said Stephenie.

Stephenie inseminated and a few months later she had the desired results.

Stephenie inseminated and a few months later she had the desired results.

They spent three weeks crossing messages, where they provided proof of a clean STI workup and got to know each other a bit more. So yes, everything was ready: the man visited Stephenie’s house in January 2020.

“He was kind, warm and friendly. We had a cup of tea and discussed the weather,” the woman recalls. In less than 10 minutes, the donor had left her a semen sample which she then used to inseminate.

Two weeks later, Stephanie went on a trip with her mother, sister and Frankie and, starting to feel unwell, bought a pregnancy test. “I was in shock when it was positive, I was shaking and then I was completely excited and I knew I was going to have a girl.”

In less than 10 minutes, the donor had left her a cup of semen which she then used to inseminate.

In less than 10 minutes, the donor had left her a cup of semen which she then used to inseminate herself.

“You could say she’s a real baby online. You could argue that if she didn’t have access to all of this electronically, she wouldn’t be here. I watched YouTube videos on how to do insemination, bought a kit on eBay, found a donor in an app, so it’s a miracle, “the woman explained.

“But I’m happy to be a mom again and I’m proud of the way she came into the world,” she added, though she admitted her family didn’t accept her so easily. It took a long time for her father to figure her out using a donor, although he now thinks it was a “brilliant decision”.

Stephanie gave birth to a healthy Eden on October 15, 2020, and she texted her donor the next day to let him know. The mom vowed to always be open with her kids about how an app helped her get pregnant.

The mom vowed to always be open with her kids about how an app helped her get pregnant.

The mom vowed to always be open with her kids about how an app helped her get pregnant.

She stays in contact with him by SMS and says that she will have no problem if Eden wants to meet him when she is older. “I am a single mother by choice and I believe that ethically all women should have the right to choose”, concluded the young woman.


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