She died of rage after being bitten by the dog that she had saved | Chronic


A 24-year-old girl was killed by rabies caused by the bite of a dog that she rescued while she was on vacation with friends in the Philippines.

According to sources, this is the first fatal case of infection not registered in this country for more than 200 years.

It all started when Birgitte Kallestad, who was enjoying a break in the Asian country, saved the puppy from the street and took him to the family hotel where he was staying. In an oversight, the animal has marked its teeth producing "small scratches."

Birgitte does not worry and, as she has just bathed the dog, she takes him to the garden to play with the other guests.

"He pricked his fingers when they played, and they all ended up with little bites of the puppy during the holidays."said a statement from the victim's family.

The woman became ill several times and two months later she was admitted to the hospital where he worked in the city of Forbe, where he died without having been diagnosed in time.

Rabies is a highly contagious disease caused by a virus commonly transmitted by mammals that affects the brain and the nervous system. The infection leads to death in almost all cases.

The victim loved animals.


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