She died with her baby after trying to give birth by following a tutorial on the web.


A single young woman of 26 years tried to give birth alone in the room pension using a tutorial on YouTube, but the situation has become complicated and he died with his baby. The incident occurred in the city of Bilandpur, India.

According to picked up Hindustan Times, neighbors were alarmed to see run the blood under the door from the small room that the woman had rented four days ago and called the owner of the place.

The owner, Ravi Upadhyay, opened the door and found the young woman and a dead baby. Immediately informed the police.

Near the two corpses, the officers found scissors, a scalpel and gauze. But also, there was a cell always with a tutorial on pause on Youtube how to give birth alone at home. In addition, in the history of the application, several similar searches have been performed.

After the first tests, Officer Ravi Rai put forward a possible reason why the young woman tried to give birth to her baby: social stigma in this country to be single mother.

As indicated by various organizations and international organizations, in India, being a single mother is frowned upon. Women with this status are questioned, excluded and face great difficulties.


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