She discovered that her boyfriend is unfaithful through a sandwich – – Diario de Mendoza, Argentina


A young American told through her Twitter account how she discovered that her boyfriend was cheating on her through a fast food chain.

Last Saturday at the Iowa stadium, Kayla Speer explained that she was temporarily in a relationship with her partner because of the final exams of the young, they were not so often seen at Because of the "academic responsibilities" of the boyfriend

For this reason, one night, Kayla decided to have a romantic gesture with him, so she asked him to take a sandwich in a fast food chain.

The 23-year-old girl sent her a text message to surprise her boyfriend and to let him know that soon her dinner was going to hit. "Hey, the food is already on the way, please leave a tip," Speer wrote, but when he did not receive an answer, he imagined that his beloved would have fallen asleep after the hard day of study.

Later, he received a message from the boy in which he thanked him. However, Kayla never imagined what she would discover a few hours later.

The employee responsible for delivery called the girl and asked if the person who should receive the food was her boyfriend. The young woman answered yes. Immediately, the delivery guy said, "Look, we usually do not, but I think you'd like to know … when we approached the door of your friend's house, we could see that she your partner was in underwear with a naked woman on him on the couch. "

After inquiring about the appearance of the" surprised man "in fraganti" and to make sure that he was his boyfriend, Speer called his partner and asked him who this woman was, but the young man lied about the situation.

she confessed on Twitter that when she heard that, she felt totally confused and annoyed. Did not hesitate to thank the restaurant for its outstanding customer service. "Few people would do what the deliveryman did, and I am very grateful to you for calling and I was honest." about the situation, "he wrote.

In turn, the fast food chain Jimmy John's offered to participate in Speer's separation party, providing food for the family. 39, occasion

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