She discovered that she was pregnant 19 days Chronicle


In Curitiba, Brazil, during a visit to her gynecologist, a 27-year-old woman learned that she was eight months pregnant. 19 days later, his son, Gabriel, was born on April 23 with three kilos and 47 centimeters. The news was twofold because the delivery date was scheduled from May 5th to May 15th.

Lana Maria WigandShe told the local press that she was shocked by this news because her menstrual cycles were regular and she was taking contraceptive pills to "never" ever be pregnant.

Later, he recalled that in recent months he had taken four pounds, but he thought it was because he was no longer exercising while he was with his partner. Arthur Felipe Wogram, also 27, were doing a messy diet.

This situation had a first episode diagnosed as a "colic" so he had to consult a gastroenterologist. A few days later, he noticed that his badl discharge was "different" and if he hesitated, he contacted his gynecologist, whom he had not seen for a year.

According to Wigand: "When he arrived, the doctor manked my belly and told me that she was very very pregnant.".

For his part, the doctor, Flavia Martins Vieira Bueno He badured: "The baby grew by pressing on the internal organs, which potentiated the symptoms of gas, heartburn and intestinal constipation." "She is very skinny and has always been physically active"Thus, "his powerful abdominal muscles made the uterus grow, but the intestine did not come out," said the patient's features specialist.

For his part, Martin Vieira Bueno badured that there was no 100% effective contraceptive method and pointed out that the regular menstruation presented by Wigand, although she was pregnant, lasted for a short time because of the use of these pills. two months during which the flow has practically decreased the new mother fears for her health, "I did not go to the gynecologist a year ago, and as I had cysts in adolescence, I was worried"but without suspecting that he would have a child.

The couple imitate the gesture of their newborn son.

Leaving the clinic Lana went straight to her house to tell Arthur. The most incredible is that "I left the hospital with my son's face printed on the exam and knowing that he was a baby ".

As he remembered, when he arrived at the property, he asked his boyfriend to sit down because he had to tell him something very serious.

"When I showed him the exam, he became radiant. Later, when I told him that he would be born the next month, he stared at the shelf, completely without reaction "said the girl, laughing.

After announcing the news to family and friends, everyone waited for Gabriel, as the doctors had announced. between May 5th and May 15th, other news surprised them since finally the delivery took place on April 23rd.

Some members of her family remembered that at the hospital there were 6-month-old pregnant women with a lot more belly than Lana when she delivered by caesarean section. According to the new parents "everything happened in 10 minutes".

"Gabriel was born in the same maternity as I was in Curitiba. He has my eyes and the mouth of the mother "remembers Arthur.

Later, the couple said they wanted to buy a new house at the end of last year and they always wanted me to have a fourth more: "We wanted an office with the music studio. We bought the house and we never managed to repair everything, it seemed to us that in reality it would not be a place, but the little room of our son ".

Like something fate, Arthur wanted a sports car but "aThe final, I bought a sedan. Even a big car, with luggage racks ". "I joked to Lana again:" It looks like a family car. " God must see our life, "said Gabriel's father.

Fortunately, they counted on the help of many people who, through solidarity, gave them donations.

In those 19 days they had to organize everything that they received from cradle to bathtub and baby cart.

"Our son He does not own clothes of known brands or furniture that combine, but he does care that it is love. We live this moment "Happy and grateful, says Lana.

Finally, the couple now organizes events in collaboration with his friends who cook and perform all kinds of functions. to raise money and to face the expenses of the creature.

Grateful for "so much to have people around us" and why "Lana had the best gestation in history, she did not hurt, she had no stomach, stress, cravings, nausea or anything else. We were parents in 19 days. I am done and very happy "Concludes Arthur.


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