She disguised herself as a cow, went to a supermarket and started crying in front of the meat gondola.


A vegan disguised as a cow and started crying in front of the supermarket gondola. The event was produced in Australia and quickly became viral on the Internet.

The woman is an animal rights activist and decided to do this creative action to show her ideology. In this case, the young vegan became a viral phenomenon after being disguised as a cow and approaching the meat sector of a supermarket. When she arrived, the woman knelt in front of the parcel gondola, picked up one of the parcels and started crying.

The video shot in the city of Perth was then shared by this girl on their social networks under the title "Welcome to the death row". While the employees continue to fill the shelves, the woman remains on the floor holding a "They lied to you" sign and informs the public about an animal rights documentary.

Eventually, the Australian supermarket employees asked the woman to leave and she did it gently.


A few months ago, contrary to what this girl did, a young British man stood at the door of a festival of vegan food and ate the head of a pig as a protest, believing that this way of life engendered one's practitioners.

The event took place during the annual VegfestUK event that took place in the city of Brighton (England) and the protester showed up there with the head of the event. ;a pig.

To the astonishment of the participants, the man began to bite this piece of meat, defying the vegans participating in the event and emphasizing that the diet based on plant products is a "human cruelty". There was also another case of a young man who ate a raw squirrel to protest against vegans.


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