She emigrated to Denmark with nothing, works as a nanny for a millionaire family and saves a thousand euros a month: “It’s hard to think of returning, I live very well here”


She immigrated to Denmark, works as a nanny for a millionaire family and saves a thousand euros per month:
She emigrated to Denmark, works as a nanny for a millionaire family and saves a thousand euros a month: “It’s very difficult to think of returning when you live so well here”

Satya Ordoñez is 26 years old and in 2019 she left her hometown of Cordoba to try her luck in Denmark. In June of this year they fired her from her job As an administrative employee of a mutual insurance company and with the compensation money, she bought a one-way ticket and went to this Nordic country. He arrived without knowing Danish and didn’t speak English either. His brother had previously emigrated to Australia and wanted to replicate his experience, so he was planning to learn English in Denmark.

The choice of the country to which Satya emigrated was simple and precise: “I wanted to know what it was like to live in one of the 5 happiest countries in the world. In addition, I got tired of the episodes of insecurity in Cordoba: they robbed me 5 times and, twice, they pointed a gun at my head. It gave me a picture of anxiety and panic attacks. For this reason, the first 6 months that I lived in Denmark I was very afraid to walk on the street alone, but it got over me because I realized that I can be in the middle of a forest, in the middle of the morning, and nothing happens“, He said Infobae from copenhagen.

Satya Ordóñez in Copenhagen
Satya Ordóñez in Copenhagen

Satya was looking for a change of life. She had always been mindful of the way people live in Europe, so when she was deported she thought it was the perfect time to emigrate from Argentina. He obtained a “work” visa, lasting one year, and with it he got his first job. “When I arrived my English was very basic, so I started looking for a job where I didn’t need to speak a lot. Al me, I worked in a private house cleaning company. In Denmark security is very high so families hire you and give you the keys to their house so you can come in and clean for 2-3 hours. “, he said.

The cleaning service is paid by the hour and his monthly salary was two thousand euros on hand. “In Denmark 36% is paid in taxes, so I was earning more but that figure stuck out of my pocket, which equates to around 14,000 ECU, which I was living with perfectly. The average cost of living is around a thousand euros and I was spending 500 on rent because it is one of the most expensive countries in Europe. For the cell phone and food, I still had another 300 euros. Per month, I was able to save a thousand euros by working as a cleaning lady. Some months I managed to save more. So, I earned two thousand euros, I lived well with a thousand and saved a thousand more per month, ”he explained.

He left his native Cordoba and emigrated to Denmark
He left his native Cordoba and emigrated to Denmark

After a year of working as a domestic worker, it was time to look for a new horizon, since the visa only lasted one year. If he couldn’t find another job, he was going to have to leave the country. He had applied in Australia, but the pandemic closed that possibility. Suddenly, he discovered the program Au pair, an exchange visa to work as a nanny for women between 18 and 30 years old. It was then that she contacted a Danish family, who hired her to take care of their children.

“This way I was able to stay: now I have a visa for two more years, TI work 4 hours a day, I have two francs a week and I have no rent or food costs. They give me a salary of 5,000 crowns, which works out to around $ 800. Now I charge almost the same as before, but I live in a privileged area, practically next to the palace of Queen Margarita. The program Au pair rich families have it and mine is very rich. The visa includes two years of Danish and they also pay for that, so now I’m about to start studying, ”he said.

Her goal is to continue advancing in Denmark, as her visa is for two more years, and during this period, she plans to study at the university. “I came without knowing English, now I am going to learn Danish and I will stay to study. I want to focus on this visa and I am sharing it on my Instagram account @saaendinamarca for it to be known, because It is a visa that anyone between the ages of 18 and 30 can apply for. If you are in Argentina, the families who hire you pay for your ticket and visa. You just need the will to come ”. Indian.

“It seems to me an excellent option for young people: to learn the language, to know the world, to live in complete safety – because you stay with a family – to integrate another culture, another language … and, above all, you earn $ 800 per month, an amount that you save almost completely because you have all the expenses covered. Since I like to go for a walk and buy things, I spend around $ 200 so I save $ 600. It is an experience that opens your head and, moreover, you do not need $ 3000 to leave Argentina because, with this program, the host family takes care of everything, ”he said. -he advises.

On her Instagram account, Satya shares her daily experiences and advises those who wish to emigrate to Denmark
On her Instagram account, Satya shares her daily experiences and advises those who wish to emigrate to Denmark

Satya says she can’t imagine living in Argentina again because, as her father always tells her, “you get used to good things quickly.” He assures him that it is very difficult for him to think about returning because of the difficult situation our country is going through today. and, above all, because of the insecurity. “Here I can walk the streets alone at any time and I am never afraid. I can go talk on the cell phone, without thinking that someone is going to steal it, and I can use a purse instead of a backpack because I know nobody takes anything from you, ”he emphasizes.

In Denmark the quality of life is very high as in all Nordic countries and this is one of the things that fell in love with her from the moment she arrived. “I love Danish design and fashion, it looks like you are stepping into a movie. All services are public and of the highest quality, including health and education. The hospitals and the schools are wonderful. There are hardly any universities or private schools. It is a state of well-being, where everything works very well. It is true that it is one of the countries with the highest taxes because, of the salary they pay you, 36% is tax. But people pay them willingly, because everything works perfectly, ”he said. “Plus, financial stability allows you to plan your expenses and maintain the value of your paycheck… no surprises. You can go on vacation and buy designer shoes without thinking that it is a luxury, because here it is normal ”.

In his spare time, he travels the city by bicycle, the most common form of transport in Denmark. Count that Danish food is very healthy, organic and tasty, and there are plenty of vegetarian options. “People are very conscientious about respecting the environment and the culture of recycling has been established for years. All the houses separate the garbage and there are recycling machines that return the money for the containers. The quality of life in Denmark is a dream, ”he said.

Satya rides her bike around the city
Satya rides her bike around the city

The most complex and well-known part of those who live there is dealing with the harsh winters of northern Europe: they get long and it gets dark very early on. But in the summer it gets sun until 11 p.m., so now Satya is taking advantage of the warmer temperatures, visiting Copenhagen by bike. On weekends he accompanies the family he works for to their home in Tisvilde, where he wakes up to a spectacular view of the beach and the Baltic Sea.

When it comes to considering returning to our country, he is forceful in his response: “I love Argentina … I would love to be a little Danish and have a life there, but I will be honest and put my hand on my heart … I love Denmark and, really, I would like to stay here because I live much better», He concluded.


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