She gave birth in the car on the way to the hospital and her 10 year old son recorded all births.


May 29, 2019
– 13:05

The video has become viral and has been seen more than 9 million times. CAUTION: Images may hurt your sensitivity

The father himself, Mike Addison, who shared the images on his Facebook account Saturday. "I've done a lot of things on the front seat of the car, but at a driving delivery and with 3 crying children sitting, are you giving me the title of player of the day?" 39; year "?he wrote in a message.

The family was going to the last medical examination before delivery, but little Jolee did not want to wait any longer. His birth, in a moving car, has become one of the most exciting viral videos of the year.

Baby born in the auto.jpg

At the hospital, the family received all the necessary medical care. Mother and little Jolee are in excellent condition and rest at home.


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