She got a list of how to treat her partner from her stepmom – News


The note made with the help of the sisters-in-law includes 9 crazy tasks, or rather warnings, on a series of situations that she will have to live with her boyfriend Danny.

As soon as she received it, Sharon did not hesitate to upload it to her account Twitter where it quickly went viral.

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Of course, it was a joke. Although many users of the social network interpreted it literally, which is why Sharon had to clarify that her boyfriend is not a baby and the mother-in-law wrote this as a joke.

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The crazy warnings

1. When you play video games, you get up late.

2. Be careful with stockings, shampoo, and toothbrush, he uses whatever he finds. Let him label that vaginal soap is for the genitals, as he will be using it for the head as well.

3. Each December force him to buy 3 complete changes of clothes and briefs for the whole year, otherwise he will continue with the same clothes for the next 5 years.

4. He buys a dozen tuppers because he leaves them in the car every day or doesn’t wash them.

5. When the stockings are like a colander, throw them away. Or if he can’t, he can use them to clean his shoes.

6. Do not allow him to watch horror movies and less “The Ring” and less if he is under the influence of …

7. Do not have mirrors in the bedroom or if you do not put linens every night.

8. Every evening, accompany him to the bathroom to talk and meet his needs.

9. Buy a piggy bank for weekly fines.

In addition, she ends by saying: “Thank you for taking care of this son of f …”, wishes God bless her and specifies that “refunds are not accepted”.


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