She had a vaginal steam bath, suffered severe burns and was hospitalized | Chronic


A woman who had to undergo a badl reconstruction decided to undergo badl steam baths to detox the area and ended her reproductive system with severe burns.

For two days, the 62-year-old Canadian patient sat on boiling water for 20 minutes, but she did not arrive at the third session because she had to be rushed to the clinic. Hospital where the doctors diagnosed the seriousness of his situation.

The therapy to which he has been subjected is used to clean the above-mentioned area, to rid him of all types of infections and to balance the hormones.

The doctors had to act quickly to treat the affected area and advised him not to repeat this type of treatment performed by alleged health professionals of questionable origin.

"Physicians need to know the alternative treatments available to women so that the board can mitigate any potential harm."he expressed Magali Robert, Urogynecologist at the University of Calgary in Canada, against all kinds of fashionable remedies.

In the report, the specialist says that badl vapors do not cause damage in the area, but that the risk of injury increases dramatically because of the specific problem of the woman.

In addition, it is stated that this method does not improve the health, but aggravates it because the possibility of accidents due to the high temperature of the water is very great.

This practice could be dangerous. (Illustrative picture)


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