She had a very bad headache and she thought that she was tired, but she was slowly poisoned – 11/03/2019


Emma Marshall He was a happy and healthy man, aged 29, who worked in the music industry, enjoyed a good position and an active social life when, suddenly , everything changed.

She became seriously ill 2018 and still could not recover. Since then, he has tried to find out what happened.

She thought that she was tired, exhausted. His head hurt a lot. But no doctor has given a concrete explanation for this feeling of constant stress.

Emma started with her problems in 2014. Photo: GoFundMe.

Emma started with her problems in 2014. Photo: GoFundMe.

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None of them seemed to know why his body was so weak, why he had marks on his face, almost everywhere. The rashes took control and "took his life".

At the end of last year, the young woman, bedridden because of her symptoms, went to see another doctor. of functional medicine. A urine sample revealed that their mycotoxin levels were very high.

This doctor was not only helpful, he listened and he was empathetic according to the Daily Mail, but he also told him that his story was quite common in his clinic. British media make Functional medicine badyzes the complete health history, including environmental factors.

The Daily Mail unveiled the difficult story. Emma also had to fight hair loss.

The Daily Mail unveiled the difficult story. Emma also had to fight hair loss.

Emma really could not get up from the bed, her hair was starting to fall, her skin was developing big sores and was boiling and her belly was so swollen and painful that she could not eat.

He suspected that he contracted mycotoxin intoxication, that is, where the body had a chronic inflammatory response syndrome to live in difficult conditions. moisture and mildew.

For a year, in 2014, the bathroom of his apartment in East London had a thick layer of mold. Daily contact with these mushrooms, according to the Daily Mail, reproduces, caused intoxication that it only noticed much later.

Emma has launched a campaign on GoFundMe.

Emma has launched a campaign on GoFundMe.

The bodies of some people can face such conditions, Emma could not and your body has stopped treating and getting rid of the toxins properly.

The results of your test were positive. This is a type of black mold that can cause kidney failure, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease if it is not treated.

When she learned the origin of her illness, the young woman is ready to recover and that is why she created a page in GoFundMe to collect the money that allows him to pay for his treatment in Mexico is budgeted at 25,000 pounds.

But above all, it is about raising awareness of a very unusual and unknown problem.



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