She had coronavirus, was hospitalized and a nurse raped her hours before she died


May 16, 2021 22:36

At Bhopal Memorial Hospital in India, a coronavirus patient was raped by a medic. A few hours later, his condition worsened and he died.

The victim was 43 years old
The victim was 43 years old.

A scandal has occurred in India. A nurse on duty at Bhopal Memorial Hospital raped a 43-year-old patient hospitalized with coronavirus.

A few hours later, the woman’s health began to deteriorate and she eventually died. During this time, the nurse was arrested.

He is 23 years old, received 4 doses of the Pfizer vaccine and is in critical condition

The event happened in early April. According to reports, the health worker entered the room where she was hospitalized at around 4 a.m. He woke her up and told her he needed to have a medical exam.

With this excuse, he allegedly took her to the bathroom and there he raped her. Since then, the patient’s condition has worsened to the point of requiring assisted breathing. Although the nurse was arrested shortly after her death, the family found out what had happened a month later.

Source: CC Noticias Perú via YouTube.

A few days ago, a case of rape in Trujillo of a girl barely 2 years old became known. Elmar Elder Liñán Barreto ended up in prison and took her to a place near the Moche River after seducing her with balloons and toys. The girl’s body appeared in a well six meters deep.

Upon arriving at El Milagro prison, his cell mates took revenge. They not only beat him, but also abused him en masse. “The children are not affected,” they said, adding, “We are waiting for you in a skirt, it is not much what you deserve for having raped and killed a girl, an innocent little girl.”

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