She had Covid-19 and was raped by a nurse hours before her death


Amid the pandemic, the case shocks the world. Woman with Covid-19 died in hospital in India, 24 hours after being raped by a nurse, informs NDTV, who cites local police as the source.

The sexual assault took place in the Bhopal town, in the state of Madhya Pradesh. And despite the fact that they happened on April 6, authorities revealed the details of the case just over a month later.

According to what they revealed, on the same day of the rape, the victim presented a complaint in which he identified the alleged culprit, and asked the police not to reveal what had happened.

Coronavirus death

The victim’s condition began to deteriorate within hours of the attack and medics had to connect it to a ventilator. The woman died in the afternoon of that day.

The rape took place in a hospital in Madhya Pradesh state, India.  Illustrative photo / Getty

The rape took place in a hospital in Madhya Pradesh state, India. Illustrative photo / Getty

The name of the rape accused appeared. It is Santosh Ahirwar, 40, who remains in detention pending trial.

It was also learned that Ahirwar has a history of sexual assault, as there would be. previously abused by nurse colleague.

However, on another occasion, he was suspended from his duties because he had been found drink alcohol during his shift, also reflects the midrange.

Bhopal disaster survivor

It was learned that the deceased was a survivor of the Bhopal disaster, which occurred on December 3, 1984.

The Bhopal disaster occurred on December 3, 1984, when a leak at a chemical plant left 25,000 dead and 500,000 injured in India.

The Bhopal disaster occurred on December 3, 1984, when a leak at a chemical plant left 25,000 dead and 500,000 injured in India.

It was a leak of 42 tons of methyl isocyanate from a chemical plant that ended in 25,000 dead and 500,000 injured.

They say specifically that the association of victims of the disaster wrote a letter to the authorities, denouncing the “pathetic state of the pavilions” with patients with covid-19 from the hospital, where the violation took place.

Covid-19 in India

The situation due to the pandemic in India is dramatic, with collapsed hospitals and makeshift crematoriums. And it continues with the highest number of infections in the world.

Volunteers take the body of a person who died of covid-19 to a crematorium.  Photo: Reuters

Volunteers take the body of a person who died of covid-19 to a crematorium. Photo: Reuters

Asian country added 4,077 deaths in the last 24 hours, bringing the total amount since the start of the pandemic to 270,284 deathsAccording to the latest data from the Ministry of Health in India.

Infections today amounted to 311 170 new cases, the lowest number in the country in nearly a month, confirming a downward trend since the peak of more than 400,000 infections.

A corpse awaits transfer to a hospital in India.  Illustrative photo / Reuters

A corpse awaits transfer to a hospital in India. Illustrative photo / Reuters

India has 24.6 million infections, which brings the country to the second stage among the most affected on the planet in absolute terms by the pandemic, only behind the United States, with 32.9 million.


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