She is 27 years old, she is an actress and we pay her 2,000 euros per month to live in a luxury hotel


One Hotel Five stars in Spain have opened a call to host a person for two months and receive 4000 euros as payment. The winner is a lucky one actress 27-year-old Madrilenian who, in exchange for this great opportunity, must register his stay on social networks

Lorena Garam | is the winner of the job offer which offers the possibility of being a customer all summer in the Hotel of luxury Tui Blue Isla Cristina Palace in Huelva, a port city in southwestern Spain. The actress, in addition to being able to enjoy all the facilities of this wonderful Hotel free of charge, you will bill 2,000 euros per month. Of course, you will have two conditions: take advantage of the experience and document it throughout your social networks.

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