She is 39 years old and 38 children, her husband abandoned her and must keep them alone – 27/04/2019


Mariam Nabatanzi says that she does not know what it is that to be happy. His life, tragic since birth, has only spawned episodes of violence and uncontrollable fertility for which the doctors had no answer. At 39, with 38 children, she was abandoned by her husband and every day she has to find a way to feed them and take care of them so that they can have the opportunities that have always failed her.

"I grew up crying, my man caused me a lot of suffering," said the woman during an interview with Reuters in his home in a Ugandan village surrounded by some of his children. "All my life took care of my children and worked to earn money. I started having responsibilities of adult being very young. I think I have not had joy since I was born, "he said.

Three years ago, this Ugandan woman was abandoned by her husband, leaving her alone to provide for her 38 children.

Three years ago, this Ugandan woman was abandoned by her husband, leaving her alone to provide for her 38 children.

According to him, a few days after his birth, he experienced his first tragedy. She was barely a baby and her mother decided to leave her. His father rearmed his life. He remarried and years later, his mother-in-law made an appalling decision: he added frosted glbad to the food of his five brothers. She went to visit another family member and when she returned home, all her brothers were dead.. He escaped and at the age of 12, he was married, forced by a parent who gave him, with a man he prefers today. do not name.

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He was 40 years old, polygamous and had several children with his other wives. One year after her marriage, Mariam became a mother for the first time. He had twins, two years later, they were tripled and soon quadrupled.

Mariam suffered gender-based violence and was abandoned three years ago by her husband.

Mariam suffered gender-based violence and was abandoned three years ago by her husband.

He is currently living in Kabimbiri village in Uganda and in total she gave birth to 44 children, six of them are dead and he must keep 38 today. He has four sets of triplets, three sets of quadruplets and six sets of twins. The others are born at birth.

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When Mariam was in her sixth birth, she already had 18 children. I had to stop this uncontrolled ability to get pregnant so I went to see a doctor. But they told him that nothing could be done because he had unusually big ovaries. He was advised not to use contraceptives, such as pills, as they could cause health problems.

"All my life took care of my children and worked to earn money," said Mariam Nabatanzi.

At 23 and now with 25 children, he returned to the hospital to find a solution. However, again, the answer was negative.

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Sentenced to a violent marriage and unable to avoid pregnancy, Mariam continued to have children. Three years ago, this Ugandan woman was abandoned by her husband, which left her alone to support the 38 children.

The doctors told him that they could not help him.

The doctors told him that they could not help him.

"He was hitting me when I was trying to talk to him about any problem, Especially when he came home drunk … The children hardly know who he is, because he is an absent father who spoke on the phone with his children and he was not physically, "she told the African channel Citizen TV. to his children.

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"Mom is outdated, the work is overwhelming, we help where we can, like cooking and washingbut she still bears all the burden for the family. I'm sorry for her, "said her eldest son, Ivan Kibuka, 23, who had to drop out of high school when the money ran out.

Desperate, Nabatanzi did it all: hairstyling, decorating events, collecting and selling scrap metal, making local gin and selling medicinal herbs. The money lies between spending on food, health care, clothing and tuition.

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How can he live with his children in four narrow houses made of cement blocks and a corrugated iron roof? His incredible, tragic and atypical story has traveled the world and she is just thinking of giving her children a better life.


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