She knew that she would be mother 45 minutes before delivery.


"The midwife approached the car thinking that I still had time, she asked me questions, but then she opened the door of the car and the baby was already there, I had already given birth. "Emmalouise Leggate, the mother gave the details of the baby's birth.

"I was very surprised, it did not seem real, my grandmother was so surprised that I could not believe it, we were very lucky that everything went well, the truth is that I did not I did not have a pregnancy test, I had no symptoms, nothing, nothing at all, "he told the Sun. She still does not understand how she never had any signs of her pregnancy: "People tend to discover their pregnancy after 20 weeks of testing, once the baby has started kicking, but Ciara never did, I never felt that she was kicking in. I also did not have morning sickness or cravings, none of that. " The only information her body gave her was that menstruation had stopped, but she dismissed it, believing that it was because of the contraceptive pill she was taking. "At the beginning of the pill, I was indisposed, but it was different from normal, and then my periods just stopped completely, so I thought it was because of the changes that my body had suffered with the pill. "

Although her belly never developed, her weight increased, but in a different way than a pregnancy: "The weight was in my whole body, more in my arms, my legs and my face than elsewhere . My stomach has never grown. "Eight months into this morning, Emmalouise made it clear that he was going to take care of himself now:" It was the best thing that could happen, but we will not have more baby surprises, "he said. -He's joking.

The moments before the birth of the little girl in a car

the first obvious symptom was only 45 minutes before delivery when a sudden woke her up suddenly. "The shot came from nothing and woke me up this morning." It was a loud and unexpected blow. "Immediately, her mother and grandmother took her to the hospital: "My grandmother repeated to me:" It's really a baby, but I do not think you're ready to give birth now. " However, the reality was different.

"By the time I entered the car, the contractions came every two minutes and then I broke the bag." Once on the clinic car park, her mother went to get a specialist, but the baby did not have time: "We had just parked in front of the hospital and my grandmother was begging me to wait:" wait five minutes, can not you wait five? minutes? "I just could not."


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