She lived with her mother’s body for six months to continue to receive her retirement: she was arrested


A 54-year-old woman from Lincoln, Arkansas, USA was arrested after keep the mother’s body and receive a disability allowance social security which has been deposited in the deceased’s account for six months.

It is Geanee pike, daughter of Gloria, 72, who before dying had stage 4 breast cancer. The deceased’s brother, George Maness, who lives next door to Pike’s home, had reported the disappearance of his loved one on July 21 and revealed that he had not seen her since August 2020.

For her part, Geanee explained that her mother was not absent, but that she was with a friend, whose name she did not know, and that she also could not tell where they were. Pike refused to allow the police to search his home and assured that he did not have access to his mother’s bank accounts or credit cards

However, when Gloria’s bank account was searched, authorities found a July 27, 2021 transaction at the Dollar General in Lincoln. Then, when they saw the footage from the premises security cameras, they noticed that Geanee was using his mother’s card.

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The break-in at Geanee’s

As a result, the court issued a search order at the woman’s home, and during the search, which took place on Monday, August 2, officers found the Gloria’s mummified body In the living room, wrapped in 2020 newspaper and bedding.

According to authorities, Pike’s house was in “deplorable living conditions“without running water and with buckets of human excrement and urine distributed throughout the house.

He lived a month and a half with his deceased mother at home

The woman’s explanation was that her mother had died of natural causes in late 2020, but had not reported it and decided to cover it up.

The woman was accused of corpse abuse and financial identity fraud, and is currently under arrest at the Washington County Detention Center, without bond. So far, he has not ruled on the charges.


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