She met a murderer on the web and will cross an ocean to marry him | the Chronicle


Love knows no kind of barrier and the truest expression has been shown by a young British woman who met a dangerous murderer by letter and will travel to the United States to marry the subject, who will be held until 2034.

The online chats led to a romance that surprised the family of Naomi wise, especially when she revealed that he had accepted the marriage proposal.

Especially Victor Oquendo (also known as “Animal”), 30 years, shot dead two members of a rival gang and has already served 10 years of a 24-year sentence, which includes crimes such as armed robbery.

Girlfriend testimonial

“Victor is not a monster, he is a human being. Never in my wildest dreams had I planned to fall in love with a prisoner, but it happened and I would not change it ”, Naomi, 26, pointed out.

And it develops: “He’s the nicest man I’ve ever met. People can judge before they know the whole story, but I can’t imagine my life without him. “

One of the British tattoos (PA Real Life).

Naomi, from Chelmsford, Essex, hopes to fly to the United States during the summer when the rules of Covid-19 let it, meanwhile, the wedding could take place in jail in september.

Like the imprisoned murderer, Naomi also decided to get a tattoo. She engraved her initials on her wrist last month and even his handwriting and signature on her ribs.

The young woman does everything for love (PA Real Life).

What many might call obsession has reached situations, for example, weird: let him call it “Mariposa” there is nothing strange about it. Yes, instead, that she printed a photo of her loved one’s face and pasted it on a doll and photos are taken at tourist sites.

She had mentored a man before contacting Oquendo at the Macomb Correctional Center in Mich., After seeing his photo on

They met through letters (PA Real Life).

It was only after being in contact for 15 days that he reflected The mirror, admitted to shooting and killing two men in 2010 when he was 19.

“He surprised me. It was a lot to take in. I wanted to know what he thought about what he had done. If he didn’t mind it would have been a red flag, but he’s extremely sorry. ” says the young Briton. And I add: “He has a hard time living with himself and has night terrors.”

The homicides of the groom

Oquendo murdered two men after a car was hijacked on May 29, 2010. He approached a white Chevrolet Malibu and, armed with a pistol, forced the driver to hand over the keys to him.

He left with an accomplice and, that same night, shot dead Fernando and Gerardo Juarez, before burning the car.

This signature was the one that Naomi (PA Real Life) got tattooed on.

Naomi said she couldn’t stop thinking about Victor. “I was constantly checking my phone and smelling butterflies when he answered. I told Victor that I had started to have feelings and that I had to run away,” he recounted and said he also recognized his feelings.

And reveals what the first phone call looked like: “I was surprised at how pleasant his voice was. It was very deep and relaxing “, admits.

A love on wheels

They exchanged photos, love letters and the like in which they discussed the company. He also sent portraits he had drawn of her. Calls it brilliant artist, who does tattoos in prison.

Oquendo offered him three times on the phone over the next few months, but each time she refused. Until last September, Naomi received a large bouquet of lilies and roses and a box of black velvet rings.

“This proposal was serious and real. He called me that day and was crying. He finally got a “Yes” “, Said Naomi from afar.

Naomi you spend around $ 380 per month on phone calls and emails, even every three months he’s allowed to send a food package that costs $ 140. Also other items such as batteries or office supplies.

Sexless, but happy

One problem everyone is talking about is the lack of physical contact. “Conjugal visits are not allowed in Michigan, but sex is not a deciding factor for me. I am happy to be faithful and we are emotionally connected “, States.

Of course, she says they have privacy over the phone when they can. “He likes to call me Biscuit Head because of my hair color and I call him Noodle Head because of his curly hair.”

Naomi can’t wait to settle in the United States, to be closer to her love. And marriage is under restrictions due to the pandemic. In addition, he hopes that a possible new law will shorten Oquendo’s sentence.

“I plan to get a work visa or study there and get a student visa”, he says and does the math: she will be 39 years old and he will be 42 when he gets out of prison.


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