She met the donor who saved his daughter's life and now they are from the same family


Pilar was born with what appeared to be albinism but had to undergo chemotherapy over time.

Pilar was born pale, it seemed like it was just albinism, but just in case the pediatrician who was treating her was recommending them Juan and "Majo", her parents, who will carry out further studies . A dermatologist dismissed the fact that she had primary immunodeficiency syndrome Chediak-Higashy, a genetic disorder diagnosed by the skin, because the girl had all these symptoms except the characteristic granules of this pathology.

However, after a year and a half He began with a "terrible bronchitis", he returned to study and decided to take him to Garrahan hospital where doctors told him that He had surely this disease (which had been previously excluded)

until obtaining a donor compatible for a bone marrow transplant. They performed the transplant and explained that it was considered "successful", but by day 128 the rejection occurred, Pilar was hospitalized for six months, had ailments in the intestines, in the liver and in the lungs. The doctors kept her alive for another three years and died at age five, "says Majo.

On the other hand, "Manu" was born with gray hair and at 15 days he was diagnosed with the same illness as Pilar. The only possible remedy was a bone marrow transplant. 9 months elapsed until all studies were done, while INCUCAI began with the worldwide search for a compatible donor . At first, the names of 40 people were on the list, and then they were reduced until the person was selected

. In May 2012, they interned "Manu" at the British Hospital where he received chemotherapy for a week and a week. the next was transplanted. I had a year and two months.

Remember that once the year of the transplant is over, if both parties are in agreement, you can ask INCUAI for the possibility of knowing the donor. "I could not wait for the time to be filled because I wanted to meet her and thank her." Once this time pbaded, "Majo" filled out a form with your personal details

If you were interested in this note, look at: Two days after the "Justina Law", thousands of Argentines recorded as "no -donneur "[19659003] A few days later, the information of the donor arrived by post. It was Jenifer Janos, a woman who lived in Reno (Nevada, USA) and who was listed in 2009.

"On June 22 of that year, I asked her what day she was serving, which led her to give and if she was a person with a lot of energy since "Manu" is very agitated.She replied that she was very active and that her parents were doing marathons, and that in two days, June 24, was her birthday.When we read her answer, we started looking on the internet to find out how to send her our gift because that we had almost no time.And finally, we ordered a bouquet of flowers that was delivered to his house, "remembers" Majo ".

In one of the many discussions that they had, Jenifer had invited them to be together on "Thanksgiving Day" to your entire family. "Majo" thanked him for the invitation and contacted Ryan to design a secret plan to visit with surprise. They traveled in November 2013.

"When we got home, I saw the girls and Jenifer's mother and I started to cry, we hugged each other, we stayed in contact with At that time, we hid in the kitchen and when Jenifer arrived she saw that her children and her husband were filming her. "Manu's" is escaped from where we were, she appeared at the entrance of the house and as soon as she saw her, she knew that it was her. We hugged each other and we have not stopped thanking each other. "

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