she sat him on the bed


Woman weighing just over 100 kilograms (224 pounds) faces Russian justice after killing her husband with her buttocks, sitting on his face and intentionally suffocating him, according to a report published by the NYPost newspaper. The argument between the couple ended in violence after heavy drinking.

Tatyana O., a 45-year-old Russian woman, now he faces murder charges. According to information published by the media in the town of Novokuznetsk, near the border with Mongolia, the daughter of Aidar, the deceased, saw her father immobilized face down on the bed, and decided to run to look for something. ‘help.

Sometime later, Tatyana indicated that she was looking for a way to “calm him down” after her partner was drinking. However, when the ambulance arrived at the scene, the man was already dead.

Tatyana with Aidar, her deceased husband.

Tatyana with Aidar, her deceased husband.

After that, the man’s body was subjected to an autopsy, which showed that he died of “asphyxiation due to a blockage of the respiratory system”.

Early investigations indicate Tatyana’s husband was left face down with his face sunk into the mattress, with his wife sitting on his neck while “using her legs so she couldn’t lift him,” according to NYPost .

The 45-year-old woman was arrested.

The 45-year-old woman was arrested.

In a first trial, the local justice dropped the murder charge and Tatyana was found guilty of causing the wrongful death. The court concluded that the woman did not intend to cause the death of her husband.

She was sentenced to 18 months of community service and paid $ 2,800 in “moral damages,” Life reported. However, this week, the commission of inquiry announced that it would be presenting a new murder charge against Tatyana, according to British newspaper The Sun.

Tatyana, the woman accused of killing her husband.

Tatyana, the woman accused of killing her husband.

Apparently and according to the new accusation, the woman got angry “after drinking a lot” and “as soon as the man lay down on the bed, burying his face in the mattress, he sat down on his bed. neck, while holding his head … with his legs so that he could not lift it. “

After the man stopped showing signs of life, “the accused, frightened, shook him and cried out for him to wake up,” he said.


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