She suffered from pain in her nose for 37 years and the COVID swab revealed the real reason


Mary mccarthy He lived much of his life with strong, bothersome pain on the right side of his nose. After a test PCR to detect COVID, he was able to find out the reason.

The 45-year-old woman, who lives in Addington and works as a kitchen attendant at a New Zealand hospital, was already used to the problem and had come to terms with the fact that she couldn’t breathe normally.

An unusual case

In 2020, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Mary’s respiratory problems empire. For this reason, and when she was employed in a hospital, a nasal swab was taken in October.

Mary McCarthy has lived most of her life with discomfort in her nose.  Photo: Stuff / Stacy Squires

Mary McCarthy has lived most of her life with discomfort in her nose. Photo: Stuff / Stacy Squires

Then, although the test was negative, it was painful for several days and began to develop more serious sinus problems. “My nose was running constantly and I was in a lot of pain,” she said. Thing, local media.

From that moment on, he went to several doctors who assured him that it was a chronic illness. “I’ve been through a lot in my life so I put it on the back burner,” he said.

However, one day he felt such pain that he went to the emergency room of the Christchurch Hospital. There the doctor and nurse considered it more than pain and asked him if he had ever gotten anything in his nose.

Suspecting that something like this might be the reason for the problem, they decided to get a scan. And yes it was: the study revealed the presence of an object on top of the nose, reported on RT site.

Mary McCarthy shows the card she had on her nose since she was 8 years old.  Photo: Stuff / Stacy Squires

Mary McCarthy shows the card she had on her nose since she was 8 years old. Photo: Stuff / Stacy Squires

Eventually, the reason was discovered when the surgeon removed a yellow piece of winks, a board game that involves putting coins the size of a small room in a container.

Sometimes the coronavirus test caused the object to detach and this triggered an infection.

“When I woke up I asked: what was it? And they said it was the laughter of the hospital, it was a little token of winks What he hadn’t even lost his color. There were calcifications around and that’s probably why my nose was a little crooked, ”explained Mary.

And now for the million dollar question: How did this strange object get into Mary’s nose?

The token kept its color for 37 years.  Photo: Stuff / Stacy Squires

The token kept its color for 37 years. Photo: Stuff / Stacy Squires

37 years ago, when she was eight, she and her siblings spent a lot of time playing this board game. At one point the little ones got bored and decided, instead of pushing the chips, blow them.

However, Marie, was not breathing but inhaled the token, so it got in her nose and got stuck there. Over time, the woman simply completely forgot that this object had remained inside her body.


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