She survived the Covid in the hospital, returned home and her dogs alerted her that her husband had died of the Covid


Telling the story telegraphically, it must be said that Lisa and Ronald Steadman, a couple from the county of Polk, to Florida, they caught the coronavirus in early August. It got worse, so she had to be taken to the hospital, as he recovered at their home without symptoms. They spoke to each other periodically on the phone. Ten later, the woman returned to meet her husband. The previous days he hadn’t answered the phone and he thought the equipment was malfunctioning, just that. On his arrival, he found him dead.

The first to fall ill with Covid-19 was Ron Steadman on August 1. He went to the hospital for treatment and the doctors, when they saw him in good condition they sent him home followed by drug treatment. The order was for him to notify if his condition worsened. Two days later his wife exhibited symptoms and confirmed that she was also infected.

While she was interned at Hospital winter haven, Lisa had a hard time. “I thought I was going to die. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t stop throwing up. It’s like I don’t have any bones in my body, ”he told Fox 13.

Lisa Steadman with a portrait of Ron. "It was all a horror movie"said the woman.

Lisa Steadman with a portrait of Ron. “It was a horror movie,” the woman said.

The couple were among 160 million Americans who was not vaccinated by choice. As she said Washington post, both had agreed that they would wait longer to schedule their vaccination considering that it was not safe enough.

“We both thought that since the vaccine came out so quickly… how could they have done so much testing with it? i was careful about it. It wasn’t that I was against vaccines, ”the woman said.

In the following days, Lisa’s clinical picture worsened considerably. He had very low oxygen levels and even passed out at home. Then she was transferred to the hospital, where he stayed for more than a week.

Lisa and Ron Steadman had lived together for four years.

Lisa and Ron Steadman had lived together for four years.

The tragedy of Lisa and Ron Steadman

With him at home and her hospitalized, the couple maintained constant communication to find out about his state of health. They chatted normally, and within a week she started telling him that she was feeling a lot better. He also said the same to her: it was improving satisfactorily.

A few days before he was released from the hospital, Ron told his wife that his phone was not working well. Lisa’s following attempts to talk to him always met with the same response: Ron’s voice on his answering machine. Worried, Lisa called the police to check on her husband’s condition.

The police responded to the request. They went to see Ron. It was in good repair and the report was forwarded to Lisa. On the day of your clinical discharge from the hospital, the wife called her husband again to let him know they were going to transfer her home, but Ron never answered her husband. The woman thought it was Ron’s deep and familiar sleep, which had difficulty getting up when he slept.

Tragedy erupted in his life when he arrived at the door of his house. As soon as she got out of the vehicle that transferred her, her three dogs were inside the house. They barked all the time. But for the sounds and intensity of each bark, Lisa knew something was wrong with the scene.

She entered the house and guided by the animals, the 58-year-old woman went to their room. As he opened the door, he discovered a terrifying scene: her husband had died in bed.

“I just got hysterical,” she told the Washington Post. “It was like being in a horror movie”, she said.

“I can’t get this image out of my head. I wish I had never found it like this, ”she said in another interview with WFLA.

If there was one drama missing from the story, Lisa described it by recounting what their plan was: they were going to be vaccinated the first week of September.

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