She tried to find the donor with whom she designed her daughter but was cruelly punished


However, five years later, this American violated the rule by performing with other members of the family and the little one. a commercial DNA test, which are the ones that indicate certain genetic problems, such as the likelihood of eye color, disease tendencies, among others.

When the results arrived, he was surprised: among possible relatives was a woman who could be the paternal grandmother from Zoé. His amazement grew even more when he discovered that he could contact the woman.

"Hi, I think your son could have been the donor of my daughter, it's been weeks that I think about contacting her or not, the last thing I want to do is to exceed expectations or hurting her. somebody else. In any case, I just wanted to tell you that we are here and that we are open to contact. With best wishes, Danielle and Zoé, "wrote Danielle.


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The woman replied that He did not understand the message, so Teuscher apologized and did not write anymore. Until then, everything was normal. However, a few hours later, this young American received a notification the sperm bank to which she had appealed, warning that she should stop looking for the father's identity or fining him $ 20,000.

But the worst of all is that after making contact with who could be the paternal grandmother of the girl, they opened access to four more ampoules containing sperm from the same donor, which she had bought for Zoe to have biological siblings in the future.

"It was devastating. I was stunned, I cried for days, I could barely eat. I was almost ashamed. I thought I was doing something that was for the good of my daughter and suddenly, it turned against me so hard that I felt like I had done something terrible, as if I was a delinquent, "said the woman, the signal from CBS News, and added: "They literally took away my babies, my future babies."


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