She was dancing in her house, she was surprised by an intruder and kicked him out


A camera recorded the violent episode.

A young nurse was register while dancing inside her home in the city of Paranaguá, Brazil, and an unpleasant interruption forced her to react in an extreme way.

In full choreography, Angela Maria Goncalves saw a stranger looking at her from the other side of a glass door. At first, according to what she herself recounted through her social media, she tried to act naturally. But when he saw that the intruder threatened to approach more so, she could only think that she was alone with her 11 year old daughter and confronted him to protect her.

The story of the nurse on Facebook after the traumatic moment. (Photo: Facebook).

Pushing and kicking the woman defended herself from the stalker and when she saw that he had started to run away she shouted away from him. escorted by his dog who joined to protect his owner and injured the man.

“A man is spying on me, invading my house,” the nurse later recounted in a post she shared on her Facebook profile. “What did I have to do ?! Give him some coffee? ¿Expect me to kill and rape my daughter? “She added still shocked at the traumatic moment.

The post has exceeded one million views and he provoked opinions of all kinds. Some users pointed out her bravery and many others questioned her because of the violence with which she took him out of their homes and even questioned that she really didn’t know him. “This individual is an unknown, I would have liked to know him to be able to report his name and address to the police”, she declared and clarified: “It is very serious and he has not been arrested. It is not a joke to gain likes or reproductions ”.

He also saved a few words for those who were sarcastically wondering what he was doing dancing like that inside his house, as if his dancing had caused what happened later. “What am I doing there in the room right now?” Dance, because I like the exercises. I also play soccer, surf …you must have excuses to be raped? », He concluded. Goncalves said he filed a complaint with authorities but hopes the video will produce enough impact to make it easier to identify the suspect.

Another violent scene in front of the camera

An unexpected scene surprised the inhabitants of the Cordoba city of Oncativo last Tuesday in in broad daylight and in the middle of the street. A man has been arrested after his ex-partner reported him for beating her and smashing her car with a hammer.

Images of the brutal attack have gone viral on networks.

The desperate victim struck register the aggressor with his cell phone when he left after hitting her. “I have no way of defending myself. Look how you left me, I shit … just beats! What do you think? She hears him yelling at her as she keeps filming him to record the assault she has just suffered.

What was surprising was the reaction of the man who, when questioned, a hammer through the window of his vehicle and begins to brutally beat that of the woman. “Film, film if that’s what you want!” He provokes her.

The violent man, identified as José Viale, was arrested for the crimes of threats noted, disobedience to authority and violation of home and the investigation was in charge of the Rio Segundo prosecutor’s office.


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