She was distracted by her cell phone and her baby drowned in the tub: what did the judges say? | the Chronicle


Woman convicted of murder “grossly neglectful” your baby in Northamptonshire, England, after the creature drowned after falling from a tub shower chair. According to surveys, the mother left her son alone for four minutes to answer a call on whatsapp.

The event happened in 2019 and it is only now that the woman, identified as Simone perry, was convicted of murder “for gross negligence” of his son Lake Renzo, to 22 months in prison, according to British media Daily mail.

Northampton Crown Court judges heard from Perry, who initially denied using the phone during his first interview with the police. For the judge, this was crucial as he saw it as a deliberate attempt to mislead investigators.

Perry’s baby, Renzo Lake.

Adrienne lucking the judge in the case recounted that when Perry realized what had happened to Renzo, “He immediately called the emergency services and tried to resuscitate him”.

“When the paramedics arrived, he told them that he had left his baby for about four minutes and that it was his fault, but he had not informed them of the use of the phone. I’m sure it was because he knew he had let himself be distracted in an avoidable way. “, He said.

In addition, the judge noted that the “The lies were in part a reflection of the fact that he has yet to accept responsibility for the death of his baby”, so the court considered it to be “an extremely serious crime which resulted in death” of the baby.

“The consequences were completely avoidable. For this reason, in my opinion, tragic as the situation may be, I would be violating my public duty if I did not impose an immediate custodial sentence.”, he condemned.

The mother’s arguments in court

According to Perry, she called the emergency services and immediately wanted to resuscitate her son. “I thought he would be safe and nothing would happen to him”the woman said why she had left him alone in the tub.

Perry’s lawyer, David Nathan, asked the court to impose a sentence that did not include imprisonment. And he claimed that his client had psychological problems.

“In a way, she’s the victim in this case. I understand that she caused the death of this child, but she will live with that for the rest of her life. You know she’s not a callous young woman. . She’s someone. Who cares a lot about what happened. A woman who feels remorse for what happened to her son. “, pleaded the lawyer before the judge. However, the lawyer did not receive a positive response to his request.


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