She was massacred by her ex in a cafeteria in front of her 10-year-old daughter: "Mom, do not die"


he murder of a woman in the hands of her ex-husband and in the presence of her daughter, it caused a shock all over Turkey, after the release of a video of the victim's last moments, where the 10-year-old begs her not to not die.

Emine Bulut, 38, was killed by her ex, who stabbed her at the nape of the neck after a fight in a coffee shop in Kirillale. The murder took place in front of the couple's daughter.

A video of the last moments of the victim published Friday became viral on social networks under the hashtag #EmineBulut, which was the most shared on Twitter around the world.

On the images, we see the victim holding his neck and shouting: "I do not want to die!". Beside her, the girl pulls the bloodstained sleeve of her mother. "Mom, I pray, do not die"beg

Warning: the video can hurt your sensitivity

Turkey, against gender-based violence

The video shocked Turkey, where many political leaders and celebrities called for action to fight against badist violence.

The Turkish government announced that it was closely following the investigation into the badbadination of Emine Bulut and that it would do its utmost to ensure that the ex-husband is sentenced to a prison sentence.

"What we want is that murderer receive the most severe punishment", said the spokesman for the presidency, Ibrahim Kalin.

To justify her act, the ex-husband told investigators that Bulut, whom he had divorced in 2015, had "insult", according to Turkish media.

traumatized, the victim's daughter According to the Ministry of Social Affairs, a team of psychologists will attend.

Women's rights organizations regularly accuse President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of not fighting enough murders of women and gender-based violence.

Association "We will stop feminicide" He counted 214 murders of women in Turkey during the first six months of the year.


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