She was raped among many for more than a month and pregnant | Chronic


In India, a 24-year-old woman claimed to have been kidnapped and raped by four men for a month and a half last July. This week, and after escaping from her captors, the young woman revealed that she was pregnant due to mistreatment and reported her abductors to the authorities.

The events took place in a town in the district of Alwar, in the state of Rajasthan, in the north of the country. According to the police, the victim was abducted from his home on 21 July and his jewelery and 6,000 rupees were stolen in cash (about $ 84).

The woman claims to have been forced to use sedatives every day and to badually abuse her several times.

Her husband officially lodged a complaint after the girl's disappearance but, according to this man, the authorities made no effort to find her.

Once released, India was submitted for review and all its statements were duly registered. He fears that his attackers will take revenge. In this regard, the police said they managed to identify the four suspects of the badual badault, who are still at large, and to trace him.


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