She went for the shot dressed for the occasion and her shirt went viral


A woman went to receive the second dose of the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine wearing a curious T-shirt. It happened in Neuquén. The garment showed an ironic message of gratitude for Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner.

Image of woman posing with her shirt on went viral and quickly sparked a wave of comments on social media, both pro and con.

The front of the white t-shirt was stamped with a photo of the president with a message: “Thank you, Alberto, for poisoning me!”. The sentence refers to accusations by opposition leaders against the president for the premature application of the Russian vaccine in the country.

Last month, in the middle of a discussion about the delay in the arrival of second doses to complete the Sputnik V vaccination program, Alberto Fernández quipped against the opposition, stating that “before they called him a poisoner who got vaccinated and now They demand the second dose of poison“.

But the woman’s clothing had another slogan. On the back, a photo of the vice president appeared, along with another expression: “Thank you, Cristina, for injecting me with the … LIFE chip.”

“Thank you, colleagues. I didn’t expect so many responses from a simple T-shirt. They made my day,” the woman said on her Twitter account.

The image of the woman with her shirt on has gone viral as the arrival of second doses of Russian and government vaccine is still delayed analyze combination vaccines speed up the vaccination campaign.

In turn, this Monday began the local production of part two of Sputnik V.

This was put forward by Marcelo Figueiras, president of Richmond, last week, when he clarified that his laboratory would start producing in Argentina. 150 thousand doses of the second component.

In addition, he stressed that they will try to take over the entire production cycle of the vaccine, shortly.

Due to the absence of part 2 of Sputnik, the city of Buenos Aires volunteers summoned to test a combination of anticovid vaccines and there was a flood of volunteers.

Registrations were launched on Friday and as of this Sunday evening, nearly 5,000 people had already registered as potential volunteers for the trial, at an average of three per minute for the first 24 hours. That is, more than ten times the number expected to have the first group that will be part of the survey.



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