"She went to dance, they drugged her and took her to a brothel" | Chronic


The incident occurred in the city of Racagua.

A 19-year-old girl went dancing with her friends in a bowling alley located in the city of Pergamino, in Buenos Aires. A man walked by his side and touched his shoulder. The victim began to feel bad and left the scene to catch his breath. On the outskirts of the institution, they abducted her and took her to a brothel. The victim managed to seek help and was rescued by his mother. There are no detainees in the case.

Lorena Leon 19 years old was drugged in a bowling alley and taken to a house in the city of Racagua. The defendants took out her cell phone without knowing that the victim had two phones. With the strength he had left, he sent messages to a family member: "Help, help, I'm in a heavenly place, they force me to take cocaine, they'll inject me again, that's the turkish bar." In addition, he even sent photos to recognize the place.

Elizabeth Argento, the mother of the victim, was informed of the situation and went to the emergency where she suspected that her daughter could be. When he arrived home, he knocked on the door several times without getting an answer. A few minutes later, he heard the young woman "mum" with a weak voice. At this moment he did not hesitate, shouted, called all the neighbors and went into the place to look for his successor.

There, he found his daughter lying on a bed. The place was dark, very dirty, there was drugs, alcoholic drinks, many girls' clothes and obscene pictures, according to the woman Chronic. After breaking into the property, the police arrived at the property. The affected woman was transferred urgently to the San José hospital, where she was helped by the ingestion of narcotics. They determined that he had had bad but said that he found no signs of abuse.

Meanwhile, the girl's mother said: "My daughter could not force herself because she was completely drugged." In addition, he recalled that his granddaughter had described: "I was naked, my body was washed in a basin that was lying on the floor, a woman pulled me hair, a man who was at that place even told me that he would not go anymore and added: "You are already mine, you belong to me".

Argento made a statement to the court on Monday and badured that the case was clbadified in the category "It's about people." This Tuesday at 17 hours, a march to Rancagua in search of justice. The case is in charge of the office No. 1 of Pergamino.

This is how the 19 year old girl was found.

I was lying on a bed.

There were alcoholic drinks.

They had obscene pictures.

The mother of the victim took pictures of the whole place.


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