She went to Punta Cana to enjoy an all inclusive vacation and almost beat her to death


However, what should have been a dream vacation became their worst nightmare, since he's almost died during the trip. According to what the woman said in a full article on social networks, the second day of her stay at the hotel, the woman was attacked by an employee of the station who could not identify but remember that he was wearing the uniform of the complex.

According to the account Tammy Lawrence-Daley After spending all day on the beach, he decided to go for food in one of the hotel restaurants. It was 22:30. But in the middle of the room, a man attacked her savagely.

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"I heard heavy steps … one, two, three, four, then I accelerated, and before I could react, I was grabbed from behind and immediately immobilized", said the woman.

After being beaten and strangled several times until she was unconscious, she went tobandonade in an underground area of ​​sewage. "They kicked me in the head, hit me with a stick and then strangled me again," he recalls. He was unconscious for at least eight hours.

After looking everywhere, they finally found it. I was alive by a miracle. His face was completely disfigured and unrecognizable. He spent five days in a clinic and had to have surgery because of the severity of the injuries.

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"This man thought that he had killed me, but he has failed.He is still there, a predator is waiting for his next victim.Only the next woman can not be so lucky (…) , the hotel did not offer to refund our holiday, let alone my medical expenses, "he lamented.

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The complex Majestic elegance He left the attack because he had claimed that the attacker could not be identified even though the woman had confirmed that she was wearing a uniform bearing the logo of the complex.


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