She went to visit her husband before he was intubated for coronavirus and found her lover was taking care of him


A woman found out that her husband he was unfaithful to a friend of his when she went to visit him in the hospital before he was intubated due to respiratory complications derived from the coronavirus.

The unusual event happened last Wednesday evening at a hospital in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso state, Brazil, when a 48-year-old woman went to the hospital to accompany her husband, a firefighter who they have been married to for 20 years and share a daughter.

According to Brazilian media, the woman received a call from her partner in the afternoon while she was at work. The man told her he caught Covid-19 and would seek medical attention, but that she “He didn’t need to go to the hospital because he was already getting better”.

Despite her husband’s advice, the wife still decided to go to the hospital because she was worried. But when she arrived at the scene and asked for information about him, she was treated by a health center employee who informed her that the patient was “accompanied by his girlfriend”. In addition, they informed her that her husband could be intubated because his condition was “getting worse”.

The firefighter is admitted to Campo Grosso hospital, in Campo Grande. (Photo: O Globo)

The firefighter’s wife decided to wait at the scene until the lover appeared. To his surprise, the third in question was a friend of his.

According to what the infidel’s wife reported to the police a few minutes later, her husband allegedly told her: “As of today, (the name of the lover, which has been kept a secret) s ‘take care of my business. You can go, good luck in your life. “

The lover had taken his papers, as well as bank cards and his cell phonehe added in the complaint.

Brazilian media contacted the woman, but said she preferred not to discuss the matter and only said that she had received information about the lover in the hospital.

Coronavirus in Brazil

The South American giant, with more than 210 million inhabitants, lives today the worst phase of the coronavirus pandemic, with more than 350,000 deaths and 13.4 million confirmed cases with the virus.

The latest wave led to an occupancy rate of intensive care units in the public health system above 90% in 17 of the 27 Brazilian states.

Brazil experienced its worst Sunday yesterday since the start of the pandemic with 1,824 dead. The total number of deaths increased to 353,293 and Last week’s average was 3,109, the second highest since February 2020 when the first cases were recorded.

In the past 81 days, more than a thousand people have died every 24 hours in Brazil, which is the second country in the world in total death toll.


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