Shock: A cursed "witch" and was killed with her four children


A scary five-fold crime shakes India: a woman and her four children were killed and the police investigated that the victim had "sorcated" and that the brutal scene would be a revenge for a supposed "curse" that would have thrown the woman on a third.

"The baby got sick and they called the healer Budhram to look after her." When he pbaded away, Budhram said that the woman, Mangli, was responsible and had incited the father and the uncle of the girl. they admitted to having killed her", said a spokesman for the police.

According to official statistics, at least 100 people are killed each year for suspicion of witchcraft.

The bodies were found Saturday in a well located near the family home in the city of Bada Indipur, in the state of Odisha.

The alert jumped when the victim's husband returned home and did not meet his family. There was "Fight the signs and remains of blood"In the house, the husband went to the authorities and a police team was sent to the area where the five bodies were.

This kind of superstitions they are still common in the tribal areas of eastern and central India and are the cause of similar attacks in most countries. case against women. According to official statistics, at least 100 people are killed each year for suspicion of witchcraft.


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