Shock in Brazil: Six pit bulls killed woman who had visited a farm to visit her boyfriend


Nail Woman, 53, died after being attacked by six dogs pit bull, who also injured his partner, a farmer in rural Birigi, São Paulo, Brazil. Marli Donegá Tizura had been to this farm where her boyfriend worked, when she was surprised by the animals.

Brazilian police reported that the fatal accident happened on Wednesday evening. His partner had let go of the animals go out for a walk with her and a friend to go for a walk. When the animals returned, they threw themselves on Marlí and attacked her: the man could do nothing to stop them.

While the dogs attacked the woman he tried to defend her, but he was also bitten. He managed to escape and enlisted other workers for help, before collapsing.

When area firefighters arrived at the scene, the woman was already dead. The boyfriend was taken to the local hospital with multiple injuries. The animals were restrained by other people who were on the farm.

Hugo Tizura, the victim’s son, said his mother went there and spent time with the dogs. “The day he wasn’t working, my mother slept on the farm. He had contact with animals. My mother was a very welcoming person and ready to help. It is the image that will remain, ”he said, very affected by what happened.

An uncle of Marli, Alcides Paschoal, also addressed the media and lamented that his niece was “slaughtered”. “It was a horrible tragedy, he didn’t deserve it. She will be missed. He was a person no one could blame, ”he added.

The companion of Marli, guardian of this farm, is still admitted to the Santa Casa de Birigui hospital. The case is being investigated as suspicious death.

Canine attacks

Pit bull attacks that end in tragedy are a cause for concern in different parts of the world. A 3-year-old boy has died in the United States after falling through a window at his family’s home and being fiercely attacked by pit bulls in the back yard of the house.

The incident happened last Thursday at Elizabeth, New Jersey, when the boy fell from a window, he landed in the back yard of the house and was attacked by the two family dogs, according to ABC.

In Hurlingham, in the province of Buenos Aires, an 83-year-old woman was assaulted by a dog of this breed. Having failed to calm the animal, the police killed it with two bullets.

The woman was bitten and before the dog continued to hurt her, a neighbor stepped in and ended up injuring himself. It all happened near the intersection of Granaderos and Los Patos, in the town of Villa Club.


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