Shock in Brazil: teenager tried to kill his teacher, but the gun got stuck and the shot did not go out


The assailant shot the teacher in the head but the bullet did not come out. (Photo: video capture).

Video of a shocking attempted murder case, which was recorded by a security camera, was broadcast on social media and shocked much of Brazil. The circulating scene shows the moment when a professor was saved, by very little and almost by chance, from being killed with a gun by one of his old students. The event occurred in the city of Guaratinga, in Bahia, Brazil.

The Brazilian teacher, who could have been the victim of a gross crime in front of dozens of people, was sitting at a bar table with his partner when a young man He approached him from behind and pointed a gun at him, totally unexpected.

In the images captured by the cameras, we can see that the young man is pointing directly at the teacher’s head and He tries to fire the pistol, not once, if not three times.

However, the pellet never came out because the gun just didn’t work. Noting that he would not be able to accomplish his mission, despite repeated attempts, the young man ran away without firing a single shot.

The most unusual thing in this case is that the teacher and his partner never realized what was going on behind their back. They only noticed the gravity of the situation they were exposed to when others who were there told them about the attempted murder, which was reflected in detail on the bar’s security cameras.

Although authorities initially believed the attacker to be an adult male, local media reported G1, Brazilian police investigations revealed that the person responsible for the attempted attack was a 15 year old that he had had discussions and disagreements in the past with the professor he had tried to assassinate in the middle of a bar and in front of several witnesses, as shown by the images which went viral.

“Police said the minor had disagreements with the teacher and will be presented to the police station, where he will provide clarification on the case,” sources in the case told Brazilian press.

During this time, Justice will demand the capture of the minor for a crime analogous to attempted murder, according to the laws of this country. On the other hand, the investigation tries to determine the precise causes for which the student tried to assassinate his former teacher, detailed the media.


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